

فهرست وبلاگهاي فارسي


اشعاري كه مي خوانم

لامپونويس فارسي


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Thursday, November 15

Skies of L.A.

It's so sad what we have become
The beautiful days we seem to leave so undone
And I don't know where we'll go from here
All I know is that I can't see the sun through the sky from here

Everyone has a finger
But they can't point me to the light
He can't be that hard to find
After all we're so bright

I don't know if tomorrow has a day
I don't know if the rays will shine my way
All I know is that I'm standing in a place where
My future looks like the skies of L.A., skies of L.A.

Skies of L.A.

I don't know if my body can take much more
We're in the land of the richest riches
But my mind seems so poor

Everyone has a finger
But they can't point me to the light
It shouldn't be that hard to find
After all we're so bright

I see so many visions
But everyone seems out of sight
This is total neglection

Skies of L.A.
My future looks like the skies of L.A.
By Tricky-Celine Dion

Surprise Surprise

Surprise surprise, I told you lies
I thought the truth would set you free
Surprise surprise, it isn't all as it seems
But who knew you'd wake up from your dreams

If I told you myself
It could have saved you the hell
Now look who's sorry, god I'm so sorry
It's never the right time
I guess it's to die

Just when you think you've got me figured out
Just when you think you know me well
Baby you've barely even broke the ice
My river runs white, you're not in sight
But you're closer than you were

Tonight, I'm a chameleon
And every spot I'd aim was god's
But I will survive cause I only let you in
But I can be sure of who you are

And you can call it a game
But it's me playing it safe
And god I'm so sorry, I'm just so sorry
What can I say? It's our turn to stay alive

Just when you think you've got me figured out
Just when you think you know me well
Baby you've barely even broke the ice
My river runs white, you're not in sight
But you're closer than you were
You were tonight, tonight, tonight

And it's in your eyes
That it's all or nothing
What I can't disguise
Is that you're onto something
I let myself go
Will you still want me
Will I be enough
The fear of that haunts me
Cause what if you walk away

Just when you think you've got me figured out
Just when you think you know me well
Baby you've barely even broke the ice
My river runs white, you're not in sight
But you're closer than you were
You were tonight, tonight, tonight

Just when you think you've got me figured out
Just when you think you've got me figured out
Surprise surprise


Tuesday, October 23

.Fire, Wind and Smoke
...what do you expect when you see the dance of flying ashes from sky. Look at it, it's not snow, it's someone 's belonging, it's one of our trees, it's us
!?What's going on? Honey we have to move out. Fire is right at the corner and you are still sleeping
!Off, Close,..., this time not because of snow, not because of smoke and pollution, this time because of FIRE

Wednesday, August 15
...دوباره شهري را که دوست داشتم...يعني چهار سال گذشت؟

Thursday, May 17

Saturday, March 31

Tracey Thorn خواننده اصلي گروه موفق دهه هشتاد و نودeverything but the girl بعد از هشت سال آلبوم زيبايي را روانه بازار کرده بنام out of woods که شامل 11 قطعه ميباشد. در تمام قطعات ردپاي زندگي Tracey ديده ميشود. تمام قطعات در عين سادگي -و در عين حال روزمرگي- بسيار غني ميباشند. Tracey در تمام اين مدت هشت سال مشغول بزرگ کردن سه بچه اش که از پارتنراش -Ben Wattsکه يار همراهش در گروه دونفره شان است، بود.

Saturday, March 24
ونکوور، ونکوور، ونکوور... بارون، بارون و بارون. زيبا بود اين شهر با برفهاي روي کوههايش، با آدمهاي چشم باداميش، با زمينهاي خيسش، با هواي بارانيش، با ديدن يارانم، با بودن همراهانم و با او ...
شايد بجاي تورنتو بايد سر از اينجا در مياوردم. تمام شهر در جنب و جوش المپيک زمستاني 2010 است و بنظر ميرسد کار فراوان. و اين مسير بهشتي به ويکتوريا در بين اين جزيره هاي پوشيده از درخت. زيبا بود و خيس.
راستي سال نو مبارک.

Monday, February 5

آلبوم بسيار زيیايي را نورا جونز روانه بازار کرده بنام not too late که شامل 13 قطعه است. اين سومين آلبوم اين خواننده،نوازنده و موزيسين است. در يازدهم مي در تورنتو و دوازدهم همان ماه در مونترال کنسرت خواهد داشت.

My Dear Country

It was Halloween and the gosts were out
And everywhere they'd go they shout
And though I covered my eyes I knew
They'd go away

But fear's the only thing I saw
and three days later was clear to all
That nothing is as scary as election day

But the day after is darker
And darker and darker it goes
Who knows maybe the plans will change
Who knows maybe he's not deranged

The news men know what they know but they
know even less than what they say
And I don't know who I can trust
For the come what may

'Cuz we believed in our candidate
But even more it's the one we hate
I needed someone I could shake
On election day

But the day after is darker
And deeper and deeper we go
Who knows maybe it's all a dream
who knows if I'll wake up and scream

I love the things that you've given me
I cherished you, my dear country
But sometimes I don't understand
The way we play

I love the things that you've given me
And most of all that I am free
To have a song that I can sing
On election day

By Norah Jones

قرار گرفتن در جايگاه نفر هفتم از يازده نفر هم يه خورده سوختن داره! بخصوص که شش نفر را هم بخوان!البته پنج نفر همون قبلي ها بودند و درواقع از بين شش نفر دوم شدم. اما نمرديم و تو يک انتخابات شرکت کرديم.
هي رفيق، نوشتي و گريه مرا درآوردي. نامه سفارشي ات را هم موقعي ميارند که خونه نيستي، بعد هم بايد بري از مرکز پست برش داري و توي راه هم که داري رانندگي ميکني بخوني، بعد هم زار زار گريه ات بگيره و هي مواظب باشي اشکهايت را پشت اين چراغ قرمزها راننده چپ و راستي نبينند. نوشتي: " ...از حال ما خواسته باشي خوبيم و ملالي نيست جز اينکه دايره دوستان بسيار محدود شده است. بعد از اتمام دانشگاه ديگر رفيق حجره وگرمابه وگلستان نتوانستيم بگيريم. دوستان دانشگاه هم که از يکديگر خداحافظي کرديم يک يک ازدواج کردند و بعد هم اکثريت قريب به اتفاقشان از همسرانشان جدا شدند. تعداد زيادي هم مهاجرت کردند به کانادا يا آمريکا و ما مانديم اينجا که بقول قديمي ها بخيه به آبدوغ بزنيم.
از زماني که تو از اينجا رفتي چيزهاي زيادي عوض شده. ساختمان سمت راست و چپ خانه پدري شما را کوبيدند و دو تا ساختمان بلند جايش ساخته اند و خانه شما شد: "کالنون في لنا". متروکه و بدون رفت و آمد که تا آنجا که به من مربوط مي شود فقط به درد يادآوري خاطرات گذشته ميخورد.بگذريم!
بن بست کوچه را باز کردند و آن را به ب**** راه دادند و حالا کوچه يک بروبيايي دارد که نگو و نپرس. ديگر از بازي بچه ها در محل هم خبري نيست و نمي تواند باشد.
از وضعيت اجتماعي هم که خودت خبر داري و احتمالاً مي داني که خلق خدا به چه روزي افتاده از تدبير اين حاکمان!
...تهران از ريخت افتاده. آلودگي هوا در اکثر اوقات مثل مار سياهي روي شهر چنبره مي زند. خيابانها بيشتر محل ايستادن است تا رفت و آمد، جابجايي مشکل شده. شهر ديگر نه نصف شب دارد، نه دم صبح نه تعطيل. هرچه نگاه مي کني ماشين است. رشته کار از دست در رفته و مردم افتاده اند به دلالي و مسافر کشي و گدايي و فاحشه گري.
بعد از چند سال اين هم شد نامه؟! البته به قول سهراب سپهري، تا شقايق هست زندگي بايد کرد و ميتوانم اين مژده را به تو بدهم که هنوز شقايق پيدا ميشود، زياد هم پيدا مي شود نزديک تهران هم پيدا ميشود. اينهم عکسش که برايت فرستادم. درختان زيتون منجيل که بعد از آن زلزله وحشتناک سر بلند کرده اند و دوباره شهري شده. نيروگاه بادي منجيل که زيبايي خودش را دارد و يک عکس از روستاي ابيانه که با خاک سرخش هنوز حال و هواي خودش رادارد. اگر قابل باشد اين عکس ها را نگهدار و گاه گاهي يادي از ما بکن. همه را خودم گرفتم...
به ديوان خواجه شيراز حافظ تفأل زديم آمد:
يا رب سببي ساز که يارم به سلامت
باز آيد و برهاندم از چنگ ملامت
خاک ره آن سفر کرده بياريد
تا چشم جهان بين کنمش جاي اقامت
فرياد که از شش جهنم راه ببستند
آن خال و خط و زلف و رخ و عارض و قامت
امروز که در دست توام مرحمتي کن
فردا که شوم خاک چه سود اشک ندامت

جانم فدايتان باقي بقايتان


Wednesday, January 31

Follow you follow me

,Stay with me
My love I hope you'll always be
Right here by my side if ever I need you
Oh my love

,In your arms
I feel so safe and so secure
Everyday is such a perfect day to spend
Alone with you

I will follow you will you follow me
All the days and nights that we know will be
I will stay with you will you stay with me
Just one single tear in each passing year

,With the dark
Oh I see so very clearly now
All my fears are drifting by me so slowly now
Fading away

I can say
The night is long but you are here
Close at hand, oh Im better for the smile you give
And while I live

I will follow you will you follow me
All the days and nights that we know will be
I will stay with you will you stay with me
Just one single tear in each passing year there will be

I will follow you will you follow me
All the days and nights that we know will be
I will stay with you will you stay with me
...Just one single tear in each passing year

By Genesis

بهترين از اين چي ميخواي؟ همه خانواده دوباره دارن جمع ميشن،دوباره .بارون هم بعد از عمري که آمده، زمينها هم همه خيسند، دکتر هم گفت که...بي خيالش... از همه مهمتر، عشق... و... استادت هم داره مياد.